I think it’ll be a while before I’m able to afford one of these bad boys.
- Funny Videos
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VIDEO: Pass the Salt – I LOVE IT!

This should be posted on National TV, PRIME TIME.
This is just way too good and appropriate not to pass on…..’Pass the Salt.’
Every parent, grandparent, and teenager should see this!!
VIDEO: Amazing ballgirl catch!

Greatest catch in baseball and a pro player didn’t make it…lol… that’s funny!
I changed a light bulb…watch this one!

Wife: “So, what did you do today?”
Husband: “I changed a light bulb”
Wife: “That’s all?”
Husband: “Yea, but I filmed it.”
VIDEO: Just how does this bimbo Maxine Waters get reelected?

How can the voters in California elect this train wreck over and over again? She purports to represent one of the poorest districts in California yet lives in a multi million dollar home in LA and has another home in the east. I could possibly live with that if she was at least as intelligent as my dog….but, alas, my dog has her beat paws down.
VIDEO: Global warming hoax!

Is it true that 97% of climate scientists agree that climate change is real? Where does the 97% figure come from? And if it is true, do they agree on both the severity of and the solution to climate change? New York Times bestselling author Alex Epstein, founder of the Center for Industrial Progress, reveals the origins of the “97%” figure and explains how to think more clearly about climate change.
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Just plain funny

Mrs. Hughes offers up the unfortunate secrets to a long lasting marriage and discusses her dysfunctional relationships with her husband and son.
- Sad But True
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VIDEO: New, Explosive Poll: Public Getting Tired Of Mueller!

I want to know how much Mueller has earned from this investigation. It’s millions, of course. He has absolutely no incentive to get it over with. There was no collusion and the public should know it was begun as a bogus assertion to begin with. The media is raking in millions as a result as well. They have millions to lose if it concludes. Hence, it will continue until 2019, possibly beyond. Large amounts of advertising money (and personal incomes) are at stake.
VIDEO: FAA sacrificing your safety for diversity? You just wont believe this!!

This is totally ridiculous and unacceptable! This is crazy and put the life of MILLIONS & MILLIONS of air travelers in America at risk! People need to send letter and call their Congressman right away in order to stop this insanity!
VIDEO: Roseanne canceled, another example of liberal hypocrisy

I don’t agree with what Rosie did, but if she had made the same comment about Trump….that would be okay. Jimmy Kimmel works for ABC and he called Trump an orangutan on one of his shows….he’s still employed with ABC. Once again double standards.
VIDEO: You May Just Want to Sing Along !

YouTube/Google will NOT monetize this Parody. They have deemed it INAPPROPRIATE for most advertisers. However, there are nearly 400K views with 4000 likes and only 119 dislikes. one hundred nineteen!!! That is barely enough people to make a cult! So Google lies. They hate Conservatives. They hate people who expose the corruption of people such as Hillary Clinton. This is Unacceptable!
VIDEO: Another example of the real democrat agenda!

Here’s the TRUTH about migrant kids taken from their parents. Liberal double standards. Pay attention liberals. WE HAVE LAWS! IF YOU ARE HERE ILLEGALLY YOU ARE BREAKING OUR LAWS. The democrats could care less about these kids. They use them for props.
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VIDEO: The truth about Planned Parenthood and the liberal agenda!!

This shocking presentation documents how racism of the past hundred years has translated itself into a worldwide movement that has as its objective The reduction of the black and brown races. How? Primarily with government funding and donations from the ultra rich elite using planned parenthood and other so-called women’s rights organizations. Prominent black leaders expose Hillary Clinton’s racist views showing how she and her cohorts through abortion over one third of America’s black population.
VIDEO: How to make a penny worth more than $2000

THIS has GOT to be the COOLEST thing I have ever seen! Watch this ordinary penny get transformed into an amazing work of art by a master of his craft. Just truly amazing!
- Sad But True
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Obama VIDEO: DOJ Ordered 500,000 Fugitives Deleted From Background Check Database

The Obama administration ordered the removal of over 500,000 fugitives with outstanding arrest warrants from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) in late 2016, according to testimony from Acting FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich.
Bowdich confirmed a November report from the Washington Post which set the figure at “tens of thousands,” after Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) asked him if more than 500,000 names were dropped from the database.
The FBI purged the names from the database after the Justice Department changed its legal interpretation of “fugitive from justice” to say it pertains only to wanted people who have crossed state lines.
What that means is that those fugitives who were previously prohibited under federal law from purchasing firearms can now buy them, unless barred for other reasons. -WaPo
“That was a decision that was made under the previous administration,” Bowdich testified.
“It was the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel that reviewed the law and believed that it needed to be interpreted so that if someone was a fugitive in a state, there had to be indications that they had crossed state lines,” said Bowdich. “Otherwise they were not known to be a fugitive under the law in the way it was interpreted.”
VIDEO: A journey in time

Take a good look inside a 17th century pocket watch! If you like mechanical things and seeing how they work, you’ve gotta see this. Even if you’re not all that into pocket watches, this is still a very interesting bit of history.
- Sad But True
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VIDEO: No help from Obama? Would you call him a racist?

Inside South Africa’s White Displacement Camps
VIDEO: Keeping busy while awaiting her crime investigation!

Dismissing America’s Heartland to a foreign audience, Hillary Clinton says states that didn’t vote for her are “backwards.” Clinton brags she won the coasts & places that are “moving forward.”
- Sad But True
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VIDEO: How Democrats are destroying the black family!!