“Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert,” begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful talk. And terrifyingly, it’s happening to about two-thirds of the world’s grasslands, accelerating climate change and causing traditional grazing societies to descend into social chaos. Savory has devoted his life to stopping it. He now believes — and his work so far shows — that a surprising factor can protect grasslands and even reclaim degraded land that was once desert.
VIDEO: Just one example why CNN ratings are in a free fall!
Sebastian Gorka SAVAGES CNN’s Alisyn Camerota: ‘More People Watching Nick at Night Than CNN’
(more…)- Sad But True
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VIDEO: Sweden Becomes the First European Islamic State. “Peace Be upon You.”
To make matters worse, Sweden is also beginning to teach kids about identity politics and gender non conformity at a young age. I heard about a school in Stockholm where they address kids by various pronouns. Kids will grow up morally confused and not wanting to have kids, making a take over of this kind even easier.
VIDEO: The Memphis Belle!
Recently EAA staff attended the opening of the B-17F Memphis Belle exhibit, which honored the first heavy bomber aircraft and crew to complete 25 missions over Europe during WWII and return home to the U.S. The aircraft had previously been on display in Memphis, Tennessee, for many years. It was acquired by the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force in 2005 and had been in restoration until earlier this year. The opening coincided with the 75th anniversary of the crew and airplane’s 25th mission.
VIDEO: If only it could cook and clean!
I think it’ll be a while before I’m able to afford one of these bad boys.
VIDEO: Ralph Williams Chrysler Plymouth Commercial – 1960s
Who remembers Ralph Williams in the San Francisco area? Big time car dealer! This is one of the greatest commercials ever seen and it only aired once. During the late 60s, most television programs and commercials were live. There were no “pre-recorded” programs. There were some obvious problems with this method. No “retakes” and “bloopers” were a regular occurrence. The salesman quit right after this commercial. This is no blooper! This salesman was just very upset with his boss and told it like he thought it was. What a great job of ad-libbing. He never misses a beat while, if you listen carefully, you’ll hear the cameraman and soundman lose it. The commercial got on the air, but only once!
(more…)VIDEO: What do scientists say???
Climate change is an urgent topic of discussion among politicians, journalists and celebrities…but what do scientists say about climate change? Does the data validate those who say humans are causing the earth to catastrophically warm? Richard Lindzen, an MIT atmospheric physicist and one of the world’s leading climatologists, summarizes the science behind climate change.
VIDEO: Global warming hoax!
Is it true that 97% of climate scientists agree that climate change is real? Where does the 97% figure come from? And if it is true, do they agree on both the severity of and the solution to climate change? New York Times bestselling author Alex Epstein, founder of the Center for Industrial Progress, reveals the origins of the “97%” figure and explains how to think more clearly about climate change.
- Funny Videos
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Just plain funny
Mrs. Hughes offers up the unfortunate secrets to a long lasting marriage and discusses her dysfunctional relationships with her husband and son.
- Sad But True
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VIDEO: New, Explosive Poll: Public Getting Tired Of Mueller!
I want to know how much Mueller has earned from this investigation. It’s millions, of course. He has absolutely no incentive to get it over with. There was no collusion and the public should know it was begun as a bogus assertion to begin with. The media is raking in millions as a result as well. They have millions to lose if it concludes. Hence, it will continue until 2019, possibly beyond. Large amounts of advertising money (and personal incomes) are at stake.
- Sad But True
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VIDEO: The cost of not having a wall
Defense attorney tells OAN how a border wall would stop drug traffickers.
VIDEO: When things are too tough and you think it can’t be done…
Japan’s Manami Ito (“The Miracle Violinist”) competed for a shot to advance in the competition, on the series premiere of THE WORLD’S BEST, Sunday, Feb. 3, on the CBS Television Network.
- Sad But True
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VIDEO: Fraud in the Clinton foundation is starting to surface!
Charity Fraud at the Clinton Foundation
- Sad But True
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So, remind me again, who colluded with the Russians???
New documents show Christopher Steele, the author of the dirty dossier filled with ridiculous debunked and unproven allegations, admitted that he was hired by the DNC and Hillary Clinton to produce evidence that would challenge the validity of the 2016 election if Trump won. Of course, we could always tell this was the case but now Steele is on record admitting it, so how is it that Hillary Clinton is able to roam freely as Mueller indicts Trump associates with petty process crimes?
- Sad But True
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VIDEO: What liberals want to bring to America!
Venezuela is falling apart. Its economy? Ruined. Its people? Hungry. Its government? Corrupt. What happened? In a word, socialism. Debbie D’Souza, a native Venezuelan and political activist, explains.
- Sad But True
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VIDEO: Proof of Radical Muslim Terrorist Training Camps in America
Video Proof of Radical Muslim Terrorist Training Camps in America – Bill O’Reilly.
This is definitive proof that there are Terrorist training camps right here in America. This needs to stop. We need the state attorney’s from around the country to stand up to this administration and deem these organizations terrorists as they are.
- Sad But True
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VIDEO: Something to think about!
Elizabeth Warren is bent on using the race card, even if it means falsely claiming Native American heritage.
- Sad But True
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So what happened?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is making it nearly impossible for small businesses to stay in business!
- Sad But True
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VIDEO: Voter fraud? Democrats? It’s just what they do!
In the wake of several scandals involving Florida ballot counting, a former congressional candidate is claiming the Department of Justice may have helped keep ballot manipulation under wraps.