toys for grownups
Who needs a Magic 8 Ball when you’ve got President Predicto!

LET DONALD TRUMP TELL YOU YOUR FUTURE – Will your future be great again? Just ask President Predicto!
ASK PRESIDENT PREDICTO A YES or NO QUESTION & HE’LL SPEAK THE ANSWER – There are 25 possible affirmative, negative, or non-committal style answers and the mysterious ball comes alive with just a simple wave of your hand.
PLAYS SPOOKY MUSIC, LIGHTS UP & TALKS!! – President Predicto is no ordinary magic ball. As you wait to hear his eerie answer, the magical LED lights dance to the spooky music & haunting background sound effects.
PRESIDENT PREDICTO’S PREDICTIONS WILL GIVE YOU GOOSE BUMPS – As a fortune teller, only President Predicto can foresee what your future will hold, so get ready for some spine-tingling surprises as he tells you & your Trumpy Bear the answers to your most important questions.